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Sources (more will be added): Somerton (1980; D. A. Somerton 1980); Muggeo (2003, 2017; V. Muggeo 2008); Hall et al. (2006)

\begin{equation*}\log{y}= \begin{cases} \tilde{\beta_1} + \alpha_1 \log{x} & \text{for }\log{x} \leq c \\ \tilde{\beta_1} + c(\alpha_1-\alpha_2)+\alpha_2 \log{x} & \text{for }\log{x} > c \end{cases} \end{equation*}

At \log{x}=c, the bottom equation becomes \tilde{\beta_1}+(\log{x})(\alpha_1-\alpha_2)+\alpha_2\log{x}, equivalent to the top equation. Note that in this formulation, there is only one intercept term (\beta_1), so the immature and mature lines cannot have the same slope without being equivalent lines. In this model, the estimated value of the breakpoint parameter c is taken to be SM50.

We will start by simulating a data set with a known SM50 value of 75 mm to demonstrate the use (and limitations) of broken-stick methods.

set.seed(12) # set seed for reproducibility

fc <- fake_crustaceans(
  error_scale = 17,
  slope = 9,
  L50 = 75, # known size at maturity is 75 mm
  n = 800, # sample size
  allo_params = c(0.9, 0.25, 1.05, 0.2),
  x_mean = 85 # mean carapace width of the sample

segmented package

A powerful and customizable method of implementing broken-stick regression is provided by the R package segmented, which has been cited by many papers using morphometric data to estimate size at maturity. Note that segmented includes three different methods to compute confidence intervals, the details of which are discussed in Muggeo (2017). It is also possible to estimate 95% CIs via bootstrap resampling, but the computation time required is relatively high and the resulting estimates are around the same values as those from the “delta” and “gradient” methods included in the segmented package.

lm_orig <- lm(y ~ x, data = fc)
lm_orig_seg <- segmented::segmented(lm_orig)

The segmented package has three built-in methods to get 95% confidence intervals for the break point:

#> Delta method:
#>           Est. CI(95%).low CI(95%).up
#> psi1.x 63.9545     57.1425    70.7665
#> Score method:
#>           Est. CI(95%).low CI(95%).up
#> psi1.x 63.9545     50.1308    67.6307
#> Gradient method:
#>           Est. CI(95%).low CI(95%).up
#> psi1.x 63.9545     53.7911    70.2144

We can also use an ANOVA test to compare the segmented model to a single linear model:

anova(lm_orig, lm_orig_seg)
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Model 1: y ~ x
#> Model 2: y ~ x + U1.x + psi1.x
#>   Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)    
#> 1    798 7866.2                                  
#> 2    796 7629.8  2     236.4 12.332 5.318e-06 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
SM50 estimate for simulated crab data from the R package segmented

SM50 estimate for simulated crab data from the R package segmented

chngpt package

Another R package with the capability of segmented regression is called chngpt. This package differs slightly from segmented in the types of threshold models that are supported, the optimization algorithms used for parameter estimation, and the method(s) used to calculate confidence intervals for the breakpoint (Fong et al. 2017).

fit_chngpt <- chngptm(
  formula.1 = y ~ 1,
  formula.2 =  ~ x,
  family = "gaussian",
  data = fc,
  type = "segmented",
  var.type = "default",
  weights = NULL
#> Change point model threshold.type:  segmented 
#> Coefficients:
#>                    est Std. Error*     (lower    upper)     p.value*
#> (Intercept) -0.9153689  0.62858364 -1.9643531 0.4996948 1.453262e-01
#> x            0.2005470  0.01357774  0.1688772 0.2221020 2.277627e-49
#> (x-chngpt)+  0.1425691  0.01659954  0.1134477 0.1785179 8.793325e-18
#> Threshold:
#>        est Std. Error     (lower     upper) 
#>  63.954507   2.031396  58.890638  66.853710
Broken-stick model from the package chngpt

Broken-stick model from the package chngpt

Log likelihood of the model at various breakpoint values

Log likelihood of the model at various breakpoint values

Bootstrap 95% confidence intervals

Bootstrap 95% confidence intervals

As with the segmented package, it seems to have significantly underestimated SM50 compared to the true value of 75, which is not contained within the bootstrap confidence intervals. An alternative method for calculating confidence intervals (“model-based”) produces very similar results to the default bootstrap method.

    formula.1 = y ~ 1,
    formula.2 =  ~ x,
    family = "gaussian",
    data = fc,
    type = "segmented",
    var.type = "model", # note change from default to model
    weights = NULL
#>        est Std. Error     (lower     upper) 
#>  63.954507   3.364602  55.814677  69.003917

Adding a starting breakpoint value of 75 (i.e., initializing the search at the correct value) through the “chngpt.init” argument does not affect the estimate, although it does result in narrower confidence intervals:

    formula.1 = y ~ 1,
    formula.2 =  ~ x,
    family = "gaussian",
    data = fc,
    type = "segmented",
    chngpt.init = 75,
    weights = NULL
#>        est Std. Error     (lower     upper) 
#>  63.954507   2.031396  58.890638  66.853710

This method is EXTREMELY sensitive to the “lb.quantile” and “ub.quantile” arguments, which refer to the lower and upper bounds of the search range for change point estimate, respectively (the function defaults are 0.05 and 0.95). For example, if we change the lower quantile bound to 0.33 and the upper to 0.66, the model will return an SM50 value closer to the true value of 75 mm.

    formula.1 = y ~ 1,
    formula.2 =  ~ x,
    family = "gaussian",
    data = fc,
    type = "segmented",
    var.type = "model",
    lb.quantile = 0.33,
    ub.quantile = 0.66,
    weights = NULL
#>      est 
#> 76.00473

The estimates and accuracy also change dramatically even with slightly different variations of data with the exact same underlying structure. Results from detailed investigations of the sensitivity of each modeling approach will be available in a forthcoming paper (Krasnow et al., in prep).

Although we will not test all of the options here, the chngpt package supports 14 different types of two-phase (one threshold) models, as well as one three-phase model: see Fig. 1 in Son and Fong (2021). Importantly, it also supports generalized linear models and linear mixed models, so you can fit models utilizing any family that can be passed to glm and include other covariates and random effects. Additional benefits of this package include several functions to simulate data and the significant capability of user-friendly customization. Options include providing your own grid of changepoints to iterate over, using five different types of bootstrap CIs with numerous options for each type, providing a bound on the slope parameters for the lines on either side of the breakpoint, and changing the search/optimization algorithm for parameter estimation to meet the needs of your data (e.g., “fastgrid2” is very fast and might be helpful for large data sets).

Using the chngpt::chngpt.test() function to run significance tests:

# Model with default upper and lower bounds
  formula.null = y ~ 1,
  formula.chngpt = ~ x,
  family = "gaussian",
  data = fc,
  type = "segmented"
#>  Maximum of Likelihood Ratio Statistics
#> data:  fc
#> Maximal statistic = 24.358, threshold = 64.292, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: two-sided

# Model with better upper and lower bounds to return
# the true SM50 of 75 mm (0.6 and 0.3)
  formula.null = y ~ 1,
  formula.chngpt = ~ x,
  family = "gaussian",
  data = fc,
  type = "segmented",
  lb.quantile = 0.3,
  ub.quantile = 0.6
#>  Maximum of Likelihood Ratio Statistics
#> data:  fc
#> Maximal statistic = 13.909, threshold = 74.531, p-value = 0.00036
#> alternative hypothesis: two-sided

It is interesting that this function returns a slightly different breakpoint/threshold estimate from the chngpt::chngptm() function when both are called using the default search region bounds (regardless of what set.seed is set to before calling the functions). Additionally, the test statistic for the model with the less accurate breakpoint estimate is much higher than for the more accurate model, yielding a lower p-value.


We will also test the broken-stick method by manually coding an algorithm to identify the appropriate breakpoint. The following code is conceptually very similar to the R version of REGRANS, which was initially written in 1993 in the programming language BASIC (pezzuto1993?).

You can optionally define lower and upper limits for the changepoints you want this function to test; otherwise, it tests a user-defined number of evenly-spaced values (default = 100) ranging from the 0.2 quantile to the 0.8 quantile of the x-axis variable.

regrans_est <- regrans(fc, "x", "y", verbose = FALSE)
#> [1] 67.67091

As with the previous broken-stick methods, REGRANS tends to underestimate SM50 and the model estimates are highly sensitive to the values of the upper and lower bounds of the region considered plausible to contain the SM50 value.

Crab_Maturity Type A (Broken-stick Stevens)

A third algorithm for using segmented regression to estimate SM50 was written by Dr. Bradley Stevens at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. This code is part of the Crab_Maturity program available on GitHub. There are several different methods included within Crab_Maturity; this segmented regression approach is included here because it differs from the segmented and REGRANS methods in that possible SM50 values are restricted to values of the x-variable present in the data set.

See Olsen and Stevens (2020) for an example real-world application.

stevens_est <- broken_stick_stevens(fc, "x", "y", verbose = FALSE)
#> [1] 68.33387


Fong, Youyi, Ying Huang, Peter B. Gilbert, and Sallie R. Permar. 2017. “Chngpt: Threshold Regression Model Estimation and Inference.” BMC Bioinformatics 18 (1): 454.
Hall, Norman G., Kim D. Smith, Simon de Lestang, and Ian C. Potter. 2006. “Does the Largest Chela of the Males of Three Crab Species Undergo an Allometric Change That Can Be Used to Determine Morphometric Maturity?” ICES Journal of Marine Science 63 (1): 140–50.
Muggeo, Vito. 2008. “Segmented: An r Package to Fit Regression Models with Broken-Line Relationships.” R News 8 (1): 20–25.
Muggeo, Vito M. R. 2003. “Estimating Regression Models with Unknown Break-Points.” Statistics in Medicine 22 (19): 3055–71.
———. 2017. “Interval Estimation for the Breakpoint in Segmented Regression: A Smoothed Score-Based Approach.” Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 59 (3): 311–22.
Olsen, Noelle A., and Bradley G. Stevens. 2020. “Size at Maturity, Shell Conditions, and Morphometric Relationships of Male and Female Jonah Crabs in the Middle Atlantic Bight.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40 (6): 1472–85.
Somerton, D. A. 1980. “Fitting Straight Lines to Hiatt Growth Diagrams: A Re-Evaluation.” ICES Journal of Marine Science 39 (1): 15–19.
Somerton, David A. 1980. “A Computer Technique for Estimating the Size of Sexual Maturity in Crabs.” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 37 (10): 1488–94.
Son, Hyunju, and Youyi Fong. 2021. “Fast Grid Search and Bootstrap-Based Inference for Continuous Two-Phase Polynomial Regression Models.” Environmetrics 32 (3): e2664.