Appendix B — Database structure

Table B.1: EML attributes for study-level, record-level, and species-level data
table attributeName class attributeDefinition formatString unit numberType
Study authors character Authors of the source, in the order in which they were listed in the source. Author names should be in Last, First M.I. format (e.g., Smith, John L.) with initials used if first names are not provided (Smith, J. or Smith, J.L.). Separate author names with a semicolon and do not include "and" or an ampersand symbol before the last author in the list. NA NA NA
Study, record auth_short character First author of source if there are 3+ authors or "Auth1 & Auth2" if there are only two authors. NA NA NA
Study type character Source type (journal article, thesis, conference paper, etc.) NA NA NA
Study, record title character Source title, in sentence case. NA NA NA
Study paper_link character Link to paper, using a DOI or other permanent identifier where available. NA NA NA
Study language character Language(s) in which the source was published NA NA NA
Study journal character Journal title, if applicable. Do not abbreviate. NA NA NA
Study, species species_common character Common name of modeled species, either as given in the source document or as listed in WoRMS. Separated by ";" if multiple NA NA NA
Study, record, species species_sci character Scientific name of modeled species (ITIS standard/most current valid taxonomic name, as listed in WoRMS). Separated by ";" if multiple NA NA NA
Study country character Country or countries where the samples were collected. This is not necessarily the country home to the institution(s) with which the authors are primarily affiliated. Refer to this link for standardized country names: NA NA NA
Study time_method character Description of how temporal variation was included in the study (e.g., separate estimates of SM50 for multiple years of data vs. dynamical system/state-space approach). NA NA NA
Study spatial_method character Description of how spatial variation was included in the study (e.g., separate estimates of SM50 for multiple regions vs. a spatially-explicit model). NA NA NA
Study all_vars_meas character List of all variables measured in the study for the purpose of determining size at maturity, separated by ";". Use standardized measurement names where possible NA NA NA
Study all_vars_used character List of all variables used to obtain the final estimate of SM50, separated by ";". Most commonly carapace width and chela height for males and carapace width and abdomen width or length for females. Use standardized measurement names where possible. NA NA NA
Study ref_var character Which reference variable was used as a measure of body size? Use standardized measurement names where possible. NA NA NA
Study claw_regen_notes character Description of approach used to exclude regenerating chelae from the final analysis. NA NA NA
Study, record mod_form character Modeling approach used to estimate SM50, separated by ";" if multiple. Used standardized names where possible. NA NA NA
Study referred_to_as character Authors' name for the modeling approach used to estimate SM50. NA NA NA
Study reference character Which paper(s) did the authors cite as a reference for their modeling approach? NA NA NA
Study error_dist character Did the authors mention error distributions? If true, explain: did they explicitly model error distributions or structures (measurement error, heteroscedasticity, etc.) and if so, how? NA NA NA
Study reg_type character Provide details on the type of regression did the authors use, if the answer was TRUE for "Did the authors discuss/justify their use of Model I vs Model II regression?" NA NA NA
Study mod_tests character What kinds of tests, if any, did the authors perform on the results of their model? This can include the type of test used to compare the SM50 to a linear model NA NA NA
Study ref_var_notes character Notes about justification for selecting the given reference variable. NA NA NA
Study software character What software or programming language was used for the modeling? NA NA NA
Study package character Any specific computer programs, scripts, orcpackages described by the source as being used for the model. NA NA NA
Study code_link character Link to code, using a DOI or other permanent identifier where available. NA NA NA
Study data_link character Link to data, using a DOI or other permanent identifier where available. NA NA NA
Study ecoevo_sig character Paper's explanation of the evolutionary/ecological significance of the change in chela and/or abdomen morphology at maturity. NA NA NA
Study fishing_effect character Paper's findings related to the effects of harvesting on size at maturity. NA NA NA
Study temp_effect character Paper's findings related to the effects of temperature or climate change on size at maturity. NA NA NA
Study, record comments character Other comments about the paper NA NA NA
Study, record year dateTime Year of publication YYYY NA NA
Study start_date dateTime Beginning of time period during which samples were collected YYYY-MM-DD NA NA
Study end_date dateTime End of time period during which samples were collected YYYY-MM-DD NA NA
Study habitat factor Type of habitat where the crustacean lives ("marine", "fresh", "brackish", "terrestrial"). Default should be what is listed in WoRMS, unless the source document indicates otherwise. For example, if WoRMS lists a species as marine/freshwater/brackish but the population studied in the article was only from a freshwater stream, put "fresh". NA NA NA
Study, record sex factor Sex for which SM50 is being estimated (M, F, B = both separately, C = both combined, NS = not specified). Note that sometimes size at maturity will be estimated for both sexes but for females will be done using ovarian staging or similar physiological methods, while allometric data are used for males. If estimates of SM50 are not derived for the females besides a normal maturity ogive, this would only count as "M" NA NA NA
Study phys_comp factor How did the estimate of size at morphometric maturity compare to estimates of size at physiological or functional maturity, either from the same study or from previous studies mentioned in the paper? higher/lower/same = morphometric L50 was higher than/lower than/roughly the same as phys/func L50 conflict = morphometric L50 was higher than some previous phys/func estimates and lower than others NA if no comparison made NA NA NA
Study also_phys factor Did the authors also measure physiological or functional maturity? E.g., classification of gonad development, presence of sperm in female spermathecae. (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study coords_avail factor Did the authors provide geographic coordinates for the location(s) where samples were collected? TRUE, FALSE, or APPROX if not provided but could be extracted from provided maps or closely approximated based on information given in the text NA NA NA
Study time_var factor Did the authors consider temporal variation in SM50? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study spatial_var factor Did the authors consider spatial variation in SM50? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study claw_regen factor Did they mention excluding crabs with (fully or partially) regenerated chelae? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study mult_models factor Did the authors test multiple modeling approaches to estimate SM50? Note: this does not include a simple linear model developed as the null hypothesis to a piecewise model (see next question). Also excluded are models based on morphological or functional maturity data. (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study reg_mention factor Did the authors discuss/justify their use of Model I vs Model II regression? (OLS, Reduced Major Axis, Major Axis) (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study log_trans factor Did the authors assume an untransformed or log-log relationship for the regression equation? NOTE that this does NOT refer to whether the authors used log-log data for the regression fitting or non-linear least squares (e.g., Levenberg-Marquardt), as either of those methods assume y=aX^b instead of y=a+bx NA NA NA
Study est_variance factor Did the study provide a measure of variance/confidence for their estimate of SM50? (SD, 95% CIs, etc.) NA NA NA
Study code_avail factor Does the paper provide the code used for the modeling? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study data_avail factor Does the paper provide the raw data used for the analysis? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study success factor Did the authors conclude that the morphometric relationship could be reliably used to estimate size at maturity, or at least to distinguish between immature and mature individuals? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study mgmt_context factor Did the authors mention tangible ways in which fisheries regulations/management frameworks might be adjusted based on their findings? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study novel_stats factor Does the paper develop a novel method or include commentary about an existing modeling method that should be tested/explored during the simulation testing? (TRUE/FALSE) NA NA NA
Study, record study_id numeric ID number assigned to each study for the purpose of aligning entries in different datasets NA dimensionless natural
Study, record, species AphiaID numeric WoRMS AphiaID(s) of the species included in the study, separated by ";" if multiple NA dimensionless natural
Study tot_samp_size numeric Total number of unique crustaceans from which morphometric data were analyzed NA number natural
Study min_samp_size numeric Minimum sample size used to estimate size at maturity, if separate models were fit for different sexes, regions, etc. NA number natural
Study max_samp_size numeric Maximum sample size used to estimate size at maturity, if separate models were fit for different sexes, regions, etc. NA number natural
Study, record latitude numeric Latitude value(s), in EPSG 4326/WGS84 format, separated by ";" if multiple NA degree real
Study, record longitude numeric Longitude value(s), in EPSG 4326/WGS84 format, separated by ";" if multiple NA degree real
Study num_breakpoints numeric How many transition points were estimated? Default is 1, the transition between immature and mature, but could be >1 if used to differentiate instars NA number natural
Record start_date_record dateTime Beginning of time period during which samples for this specific record were collected YYYY-MM-DD NA NA
Record end_date_record dateTime End of time period during which samples were for this specific record were collected YYYY-MM-DD NA NA
Record mod_form_record character Modeling approach used to estimate SM50 in this specific instance. Used standardized names where possible. NA NA NA
Record x_axis_units character Unit of the x-axis/independent variable in the regression for which slope & intercept parameters are being extracted NA NA NA
Record y_axis_units character Unit of the y-axis/dependent variable in the regression for which slope & intercept parameters are being extracted NA NA NA
Record sm50_units numeric Unit in which SM50 value was given NA NA NA
Record sm50_SE numeric Standard error of SM50 value, if provided NA dimensionless real
Record sm50_SD numeric Standard deviation of SM50 value, if provided NA dimensionless real
Record sm50 numeric Final SM50 value(s) estimated in the study, in the original units NA dimensionless real
Record samp_size_record numeric Sample size of the specific regression from which parameters are being extracted NA number natural
Record f_ab_slope factor How did the allometric slope parameter (growth rate of the female abdomen compared to carapace width or length) change at maturity? Variables are abdomen width and carapace width unless otherwise specified NA NA NA
Record m_claw_slope factor How did the allometric slope parameter (growth rate of the male claw compared to carapace width or length) change at maturity? NA NA NA
Record f_ab_int factor How did the allometric intercept parameter (relative size of the female abdomen compared to carapace width or length) change at maturity? NA NA NA
Record m_claw_int factor How did the allometric intercept parameter (relative size of the male claw compared to carapace width or length) change at maturity? NA NA NA
Record imm_slope_val numeric Allometric growth slope parameter for male claw size vs. body size before maturity NA dimensionless real
Record mat_slope_val numeric Allometric growth slope parameter for male claw size vs. body size before maturity NA dimensionless real
Record comments_group character Comments about the sampling dates, region, etc. needed to distinguish between multiple SM50 values obtained from a single study NA NA NA
Species sex_species factor Sex for which the traits are being reported (M, F, B = both separately, C = both combined, NS = not specified) NA NA NA
Species terminal_molt factor Does the species exhibit determinate growth/terminal anecdysis? NA NA NA
Species terminal_source_name character Brief citation of source document reporting presence or absence of terminal molt, e.g., Jones et al. (2018) NA NA NA
Species terminal_molt_link character Link to source reporting presence or absence of terminal molt, DOI preferred. NA NA NA
Species heterochely factor Does the species exhibit heterochely? NA NA NA
Species heterochely_source_name character Brief citation of source document reporting presence or absence of heterochely, e.g., Jones et al. (2018) NA NA NA
Species heterochely_link character Link to source reporting presence or absence of heterochely, DOI preferred. NA NA NA
Species comments character Other comments about the entry NA NA NA
Species genetic_data_link character Links to relevant genetic data/phylogenetic tree for genus/etc. NA NA NA
